Efficient homes: how to increase the value of your property

In the real estate market, efficient housing is a trend that is gaining more strength and importance in recent years, linked to the increasing awareness of buyers to take care of the environment and acquire homes that, as far as possible, are environmentally friendly and minimize the impact on natural resources (in addition to the inevitable savings in the pocket that they represent). Therefore, in this context, it is not surprising that this type of housing is becoming more valuable in the market and that buyers are willing to pay more for them.


Increasing the value of a home by making it more efficient is not so easy. It is necessary to apply a set of techniques and follow specific tips that we are going to compile in this post. Everything, to make your home or property more sustainable, profitable and in the best conditions to sell it. 


Undoubtedly, our recommendation is to turn to a company specializing in the sector, as is the case of Proyectos Insulares, which offers a full service of reforms, decoration and real estate brokerage and will accompany you throughout the process until the sale; however, so you can get an idea of what it means to increase the efficiency of your home, here are some ways in which you can increase the value of your home if you are going to sell it.


An efficient home starts with energy consumption, so you should moderate this aspect of your home. For example, one way to start increasing the value of your home is to use LED lights, which will help lower your energy consumption, not only to pay your bills, but also to help the environment.

Home automation

The use of home automation is another element to take into account when preparing the house for sale. Intelligent systems are absolutely current and are in great demand by buyers, who are looking for the convenience of being able to control various aspects of the house from, for example, a mobile device.

Vivienda eficiente 

Other tips to keep in mind for a sustainable home

  • Think about renovating the windows

    Nowadays, windows have special features for adapting to the climate during the summer or winter. In general, a poorly positioned or over-operating window can cause energy loss in the home of up to 30%. Therefore, we recommend you to choose a double glazing model in order to isolate the cold and outside noise. This, within a reform, is essential as long as the environment and location of the house is taken into account.

  • Pay attention to the air conditioning

    If you want to increase the value of your home, think about a more modern air conditioning system that consumes much less. By being sustainable, the value of the house will increase, so it is advisable to choose the best option that is available. Keep in mind that their job is to be able to maintain a good temperature exchange between indoors and outdoors.

  • Your habits are important

    The habits you have in the house also influence its efficiency. So it is necessary to reduce excessive energy consumption in any possible aspect of the house. In addition to this you will be able to reuse some elements and recycle to get more out of it.

It is time to make the change

If you want to have an efficient home, it is important and necessary to pay attention to every detail inside. Energy consumption plays a fundamental role in this regard, hand in hand with intelligent systems. Thus, you can get a much more advantageous price at the time you want to sell it. Contact Insular Projects and we will give you a hand!


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