Spring decoration trends 2022

Es un nuevo año y quieres darle un nuevo look a tu casa con las mejores tendencias de decoración para esta primavera. Cada año hay nuevos materiales, colores y formas que resaltan y reinan en el mundo de la decoración para el hogar.

Pero… tal vez te preguntes ¿cómo decorar mi casa este año? Si no sabes cuáles son las últimas tendencias en decoración que conquistarán este año, en este post, te damos los mejores tips y recomendaciones para ayudarte a tener una casa moderna, ordenada y a la última en decoración. 

Decoración primavera
Decoración hogar tendencias primavera 2022

Spring decorating: the best decorating trends for your home

Our homes are more than just rooms and spaces full of objects. They are the place where we live with our families, and some have adopted it as a workplace. By opting for the best decorative trends of this year, you make your spaces more comfortable and pleasant.

This spring decorating trends will be more oriented to provide comfort than to decorate rooms to make them look good. These are the spring decorating trends that will reign in 2022:

  1. Sustainable decorating.

Day by day, ecological, eco-friendly or sustainable products are reaching more and more sectors. Nowadays, more and more industries are deviating from their model of over-consumption, over-production and disposable single-use objects. Sustainable decoration has become a trend in interior design that should stay forever.

If you are an eco-lover, you can do your bit by eliminating certain single-use items from your home. You can look for recyclable decorations, made from sustainable and biodegradable materials.

  1. Handmade

Handmade objects and especially handmade decorations have a different meaning than a piece that has been manufactured millions of times. Handmade has a unique charm and this 2022 we recommend you to prefer one-of-a-kind handcrafted pieces.

Maybe you’re looking to save some money? Just look for a good tutorial, and with some time and patience you can create that decorative piece that was missing in your room.

  1. Colors that reflect nature

Here’s a decorating tip that will make your home look amazing. Paint your home with colors that reflect nature! For example, blue colors like the sea, light greens like the grass or colors that remind you of those spring days.

This doesn’t mean you have to paint your whole house. You can choose a color that looks soft but natural to you. Also, adding the right decorations will give your home a unique touch.

  1. Comfortable and functional furniture

Furniture that is more than what it seems at first glance, this is what the term functional refers to. One of the reasons why they will be decoration trends is its ingenious way of giving several uses to a piece.

For example, if you have a dining room with little space you need to take advantage of every inch of it. A functional table folds up after use to take up half the space. Without a doubt, this furniture is an incredible option if you want to save space.

  1. Minimalism

More than a trend, minimalism is an artistic trend that reduces an environment to the basics. It focuses on eliminating the unnecessary and having a simple but chic decoration.

Having different styles of decoration, many objects and ornaments in a single space can be overwhelming for some. This is why minimalism has become so popular among decorating enthusiasts.

Express yourself and decorate your home

If you’ve thought about giving a new touch to your home decor you should always include something of your style, something that represents you. Take the best of the decoration trends and combine them to decorate your spaces harmoniously.

If you need help, inspiration or advice to decorate your home, stay tuned to our blog.

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