
Main problems when renting out your property

If you own a property and have decided to rent it out, you may encounter some teething problems when renting out your property. Your property needs to be up to date with the 2023 trends in construction to make it attractive to potential rental customers. This will give you a better chance of doing business.

These problems generally occur when properties are old and have not been renovated or updated. Adapting properties to new requirements and current trends optimises their market position and improves their rental price.

Main problems when renting your property
The 2023 trends in construction are not the same as in previous years. Today, sustainable design ideas, housing with open spaces, efficiency in energy consumption, the possibility of teleworking and home automation are prevailing.rental housing 2023

 renting out your property

If your property does not fit in with these trends, it will be very difficult to rent it out. In order for your property to compete in today’s rental market, you will need to consider these home building tips and address each of these issues:

Lack of sustainable design
The market is hungry for projects that demonstrate sustainability and care for the environment. If your home was not designed in this way, it may be very difficult for you to rent it out.

You can solve this by doing a thorough renovation that uses eco-friendly materials and integrates the design with nature. In the decorating and remodeling market, there are many options with recyclable and eco-friendly materials at competitive prices.

Lack of outdoor space
Many people are looking for homes that have spaces where they can share outdoors. From gardens and backyards, to pool areas, balconies and terraces. Homes with such spaces are highly valued, and this is part of the 2023 trends in construction.

If the design allows, you can provide a backyard or garden where people can socialise outdoors. Offering the possibility of plant care and ornamental gardening is an advantage that many people are looking for in their rental property.

 renting out your property

rental housing trend

Inefficiency in energy consumption
Nowadays, energy consumption is a key issue in any household. Rising energy rates have forced many people to look for options to save on their monthly electricity bills.

This is most noticeable in air conditioning equipment and lighting systems. Many people will not want to pay the energy bill if they have poor air conditioning or inadequate lighting. Making these changes is vital to keep up with the 2023 trends in construction.

Lack of space for teleworking
Since the implementation of social contact restrictions due to the pandemic, telecommuting has increased exponentially. Many rental housing customers are looking for properties that have space available for teleworking. This started in 2020 and continues to be part of the 2023 trends in construction.

This implies having a physical space large enough for it, good lighting, and good internet service.

Lack of smart home systems
Home automation is a concept that has slowly become popular and is already part of the 2023 building trends. Your home should be able to control its systems via apps, remote controls or internet connection.

From the lighting system, to the door security systems and even the air conditioning, they can be controlled in an intelligent way.

From Proyectos Insulares we advise you throughout the process and help you to put your home in optimal conditions so that it can be rented or sold more easily.

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