
Start the New Year with a deep cleaning of the home

Limpieza profunda hogar

Give your home a deep clean to give it a unique look for the new year. If you have a house or flat you will know how complicated it is to keep everything tidy. So we’re going to give you some top tips on how to keep everything in good order. There are many ways […]

Trends in interior decoration 2023

decoración hogar

Through interior decoration you can transform your home into whatever you want it to be. With multiple resources we can transmit our personality, our tastes and turn it into our refuge. We can make it to our taste and make it unique. But above all, the aim is to achieve the peace and harmony that […]

What happens when a property is left without heirs?

decoración hogar

In Spain, around a hundred properties without heirs are left without being awarded each year. In fact, 40% of Spanish citizens die without leaving a will, according to statistics from the General Council of Notaries. But how is it managed and who will be responsible for these estates?  Find out the details now. What happens […]

What is mortgage subrogation and what are its advantages?

subrogación de hipotecas

Have you heard of mortgage subrogation? Well, it is a change of the loan to another bank or even, if necessary, change the owner of the loan.  It is not necessary to keep the mortgage with the same bank until the house is paid in full. Therefore, it is essential that you know what it […]

The types of housing most in demand after the pandemic

viviendas tras pandemia

Post-pandemic housing preferences have changed. The population has had a radical change in taste and interests after the appearance of COVID 19. For many people before the pandemic, having a garden or recreational space in their homes was not so important; now it is. As much as this factor is taken into account, there are […]

Efficient homes: how to increase the value of your property

decorar pisos pequeños

In the real estate market, efficient housing is a trend that is gaining more strength and importance in recent years, linked to the increasing awareness of buyers to take care of the environment and acquire homes that, as far as possible, are environmentally friendly and minimize the impact on natural resources (in addition to the […]

Great ideas for decorating small apartments

decorar pisos pequeños

If you live in an apartment and you consider that decorating small apartments is a complicated task, don’t worry. It is not as difficult as you imagine: living in a small apartment is not a limitation for decoration, on the contrary, there are many alternatives! You just need to know how to organize your home […]

How do I choose the best mortgage for me?

Mejor tipo de Hipoteca

The task of choosing a mortgage is important, and even more so when the country’s banks are offering the cheapest liens in history. This is excellent news for those who want to buy a home. It is essential to manage the information in order to make the best decision and take advantage of this financing […]

New year, house like new! Low cost renovations.

When a new year begins, we are full of resolutions and goals to achieve. Perhaps one of yours is to create a more comfortable and modern home without investing a lot of budgets in reforms or having to do major works. Take note of these small economic reforms to give a new touch to your […]

Will 2022 be a good year to buy a home?

Buying a home is a transcendent objective for personal and family life. It goes far beyond being an investment because it implies peace of mind and security for the future. But will 2022 be a good year to do it? In this article we answer this question.  What has it been like to buy a […]